
Measurement tools webinar

Measurement tools webinar

On Tuesday 12 March 2024, at 4 p.m. Tondo is organizing a webinar to present its Circularity Measurement Tools. The Tools are made using nationally and internationally recognized methodologies to analyze and measure the circularity of companies, entities and organizations. The webinar will show how the Tools work, why they were conceived and what purpose they will have for a company.

The measurement tool of products is founded on an internationally recognized methodology, the Material Circularity Indicator by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. By inputting the necessary data, a product’s level of circularity is calculated, starting with raw material flows, inputs and outputs related to the product, product-specific energy, water consumed, and packaging.

The measurement tool of companies follows is made by 71 indicators, and maps six key areas of the company. Those indicators and the calculation methodology come from the UNI/TS 11820 technical specification. The tool, based on this norm, provides the circularity level of the whole company.

Starting with an analysis of the tools available in the literature and evaluating similar experiences proposed in other cities, Tondo proposes an analysis of the main material and energy flows of cities. The first stage of the work is to identify the boundaries of the system, after which the province’s material and energy data are collected in terms of both inputs and outputs.


The webinar will expose Tondo's work and its offer regarding the tools. You can learn more on Tondo's website: