The Taranto Circolare project developed a detailed study of the circularity level of the Taranto area: the Tondo team focused on the analysis of the material and energy flows of the city, highlighting critical issues and strengths to develop Circular Economy projects in the areas that show the most potential.
Cities play a central role in the global context, not only because they host more than half of the world's population but because they are an incubator of innovation and progress and capable of contributing to the sustainable development of the entire territory. But cities also account for much of the consumption of natural resources and are responsible for half of global waste and high percentages of greenhouse gas emissions. For these reasons, it is increasingly necessary to act in the urban context by applying the principles of Circular Economy to make cities more resilient and able to prosper on an economic, social, and environmental level. With this premise, Taranto Circolare project proposes an in-depth analysis of the circularity level of the Taranto area. The work consists of a study of the material and energy flows of the main macro-sectors of the province of Taranto in 2020, understanding the inputs, outputs, waste and emissions, and quantifying the circularity level of the territory. Therefore, this methodology made it possible to highlight critical issues and strengths to formulate project proposals for each macro-sector, which could increase the circularity level of the city.
Circularity index (%) of the province of Taranto
Processed Materials (millions of tonnes) related to the main macro-sectors of the province: agrifood, manufacturing, energy and construction
Gross production of renewable energy (%)