Autorità Portuale del Mar Ionio
The Ionian Sea Port System Authority has always paid the utmost attention to environmental issues, striving to carry out all infrastructure works in full respect of the environment. To demonstrate this, the Authority has contracted the service “Integrated environmental monitoring of the Taranto port area.”
The objective is to carry out the monitoring of the entire port area through a network of homogeneously distributed stations/measuring points, by means of which a defined set of parameters related to all environmental matrices of interest will be detected systematically over time, namely:
1) Seawater and Groundwater through:
- a general network of 10 fixed stations for the continuous survey of seawater;
- A general network of No. 46 mobile stations for the quarterly survey of seawater;
- a general network of No. 26 ground-based piezometers for the quarterly survey of groundwater.
2) Air through 3 fixed monitoring stations to survey PM10 and PM2.5, SO2, NO/NO2/NOx, CO, O3 and BTEX.
3) Noise by 4 monitoring stations for long-term noise monitoring.
4) Soil to survey the evolution of the shoreline and beach profiles in the stretch of coastline west of the Molo Polisettoriale, in order to assess any unforeseen impacts due to the new breakwater to be built in the future, and the suitability for vegetation development in the area of the reclaimed water basin west of Punta Rondinella;
5) Sediments by taking samples at No. 15 points at sea for chemical analysis;
6) Flora and Fauna;
7) Filtering organisms through the “Mussel Watch” protocol at No. 9 points;
8) Benthos through the collection at No. 7 points of sediment samples to be subjected to the recognition and counting of the biocoenosis present with the determination of their characteristic indices.
The monitoring data collected will be shared with the various stakeholders (monitoring bodies, citizens, businesses, etc..) through a web portal/platform that the contractor will prepare, allowing stakeholders (not only insiders) to have a cognitive picture of the state of the environment.
The monitoring service in question represents an absolute novelty, since over the years this Administration has always carried out punctual environmental monitoring that was not coeval, as it was only related to the specific infrastructural intervention being carried out, the impact of which was intended to be monitored in the surrounding area. The planned network, on the other hand, frees itself from the conception of monitoring divided by ante, in progress and post works phases so that, in the context of “area” monitoring, individual monitoring plans of the works can begin at any time, not risking the seamless acquisition of large-scale information thanks to which, in addition to being able to monitor the impacts resulting from the execution of infrastructure interventions in progress, it will be possible to have a broad and coherent view of the dynamics in place in the port area.
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