Università degli Studi di Bari

Università degli Studi di Bari

MAX-SHEEP research project, inspired by the biological paradigm and the principles of Industrial Ecology, aims to investigate the potential of integrated methodological approaches and tools to develop a dynamic model capable of supporting the implementation of circular solutions in local contexts. In particular, the project will test the potential circular and "bio-economic" transition of the sheep supply chain in Italian Hybrid Local Economic Systems (H-LESes), given its role for Southern Italy, in particular for the Regions to which the Research Units (RUs) of the project refer, namely Abruzzo, Sardegna and Puglia, and its potential in terms of exploiting typical flows in an inter-sectoral perspective.

Research activities are organised into six Work Packages, two (WP1 and WP6) dedicated to organisational purposes and dissemination of the results, the remining four of an operational nature.

Expected results are:

i. taxonomic, related to systematisation of knowledge regarding the characteristics and potential of contexts, of the applicable circular solutions, and of the most significant metrics and parameters;

ii. exploratory related to testing the possibilities and the limits of applicability of such integrated approaches and tools for the analysis, mapping and assessment of the circular solutions identified;

iii. applicative, related to the possibility of exploiting the circular interactions between the various dimensions and the types of flows that characterise the circular supply chain in the local context.

MAX-SHEEP research project has received funding from the NextGenerationEU Plan, within the PRIN 2022 PNRR program - Research Projects of National Interest - promoted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.  

The project will last two years (Nov '23-Nov. '25).

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